Friday, February 13, 2009

Are all bets the same?

It is an accepted fact of Roulette that all possible bet combinations are equally bad. Except for the 5-number combination bet which has a larger house edge.

BUT, what about these two possible bets: (1) betting 35 units, one each on 35 different numbers; or (2) betting 34 units, one each on 34 different numbers?

Think about this, if you lose under the 1st option (35 units), it will take you 35 wins to offset one loss, BUT a loss under the 2nd option can be offset with only 17 wins. Doesn't this seem like an advantage??

More thoughts (on a later day) - Looking at the first scenario: If the wheel hit 38 different numbers, you would have won one unit 35 times and lost 35 units three times for a net loss of 70 units. Looking at the second scenario: If the wheel hit 38 different numbers, you would have won two units 34 times (+68) and loss 34 units 4 times (-126) for a net loss of -68. Is this the advantage?? a mere 2 units? or is my math simply wrong again??


IXN said...


Very interesting post. But this is not how "advantage" is calculated.
The "irregularities that you observe are merely evidence that a strategy CAN make a difference. But this does not mean that generally speaking, one bet is better than the other. Want another example? CDompare the chance of winning if you bet 35 numbers in one spin (95%) to betting one number for 35 spins (65%).

The most common way to see if the bets are "equal" is to calculate the average expectation. Which is the same for all bets! The differences you point out and many more do not make a bet "favorable" in general, but they can make a bet "favorable" if you have a specific approach or strategy in mind.

See also the differences between betting few vs betting many roulette numbers here:

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